Monday, May 12, 2014

The Unexplained

With so many unexplained disappearances there must be some connecting links between all these cases. I've listed some of the strangeness below. More detailed information can be found in Mr. Paulides books on the subject.

In David Paulides books covering the Eastern & Western US is a map that is included showing the numerous cluster cases found. Clusters are grouped together by when and where they happened, time, and type. Whats highly unusual is there is a corridor right down the middle where there are no cases found. Strange as this may be the missing persons issues are not all recent some depending on the region have been going on for centuries.

Information is not always easily obtained, there's been difficulty even when the Freedom of Information Act has been used to obtain information. A few of the cases information was withheld for no real apparent good reason. This also raises suspicion that someone may indeed know more.

It's also hard to believe that the National Park Service according to policy doesn't keep track of the missing people inside their system and they have no lists of the missing. Wouldn't a wise response be to keep track of missing individuals.

Another puzzling factor is the bone fragments found, in a few of the cases, all that was left was a skull and a few teeth. Which brings us to a good question what happened to the rest of the body. Oddly clothing, such as the pants have been taken off and left lying near the scene. The pants are sometimes inside out and not to mention no blood found on the articles of clothing. Boots are missing. Some of the clothing that would have been worn has disappeared and never been found.
Is there a logical conclusion, I honestly could not answer that.

The CanAm Missing Project

Connecting the dots... Similarities do exist.

What exactly is going on and who or what is involved. If anyone could have answered that then they would have solved the million dollar question.


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